“Lives” are what we came up with to make killing players impact while still allowing players to remain on the server.
Every player has 3 lives that regenerate over time after being lost.
If you get down to 0 lives, you are temporarily banned from the Nations game mode until at least one life regenerates.
You cannot lose lives for your first 2 hours of playtime. Upon death you'll be shown a notification stating that you have invulnerability and how much longer it'll last, and you can check at any time by running
You lose a life every time you die. How long the life takes to regenerate depends on how you lost the life, however the current times are as follows:
- 30 Seconds + Remaining Regen time (How long the player you gave a life to had left until their life regenerated)One final thing to note is that all the values given above are subject to a multiplier based on which life you've lost.
The multiplier means that instead of having a regeneration time of (for example) 30 minutes, if you're only at 2 lives the next time you're murdered the life will regenerate in 45 minutes instead of 30 minutes.
There are four main ways to regenerate a life.
, it'll immediately regenerate one of your lives, transferring how ever much time there was left on the regeneration to them.The /lives
command is how you check information related to your lives.
When you are missing one or more lives you'll be shown how long until your next life regenerates, and if you're missing 2 or more lives you will also be shown how long until all your lives regenerate.
While invulnerable, instead of showing how long until your life regenerates (or nothing at all), it'll show how long you have life invulnerability for.