The locking feature allows you to lock any chest inside a claimed land that you are part off.
To lock a chest or any other type of containers (barrel, shucker, furnace, you can even lock doors) you just have to place a sign on one face of it and type “lock” on the first line of the sign. After that you will see that it says “LOCKED” in red with your name username under it, than means that you successfully lucked the chest and only you will be able to access it.
- You can only lock containers in land that you are part of.
- It cost a 100 gold coins to lock the container.
- Each lock will last for 30 days and then expire.
- If you are the owner of land, you are allowed to request access to a locked chest from staff.
You can give access to your locked containers to other player by using the following commands:/lock add <player>
- To give access to a player/lock remove <player>
- To remove access from a player
When running the commands you need to be facing the container that you want to give access to.